Monday, April 10, 2017

Virtual Reality Music Experiences

Current Technologies:

360 Music Videos

360-degree music videos give the viewer the ability to control the camera. It allows viewers to experience the video from different angles. If viewers have appropriate browser technology, they can navigate the visuals by pulling on the screen with their mouse or by clicking on the arrows in the top-left corner. There have also created animated 360 music video. The first artists to have utilized the technology include Bjork, The Weeknd and the Gorillaz.

Music Visualizers
Intone Sing music visualizer is a music visualizer game made for the Oculus Rift. You are floating in space that consists of different color blocks. Depending on the sound of your voice, these blocks will change color and move around. Similar technology includes the Harmonix Music Visualizer. This also uses colors and designs but you can choose from your favorite already existing music. One mode consists of the ability to chill on a beach listening to music. You can also create your own visualizer depending on the music. There is also a dance mode allowing you to dance with created avatars. This is made for the PlayStation VR device.

Playthings: Musical VR Playground
This VR technology creates a playground for you to play around with different sounds and create music in a colorful world. You can play music with objects like gummy bears, hot dogs and jelly beans. This technology is made for the HTC Vive.

Upcoming VR Technologies

Amplify VR
This VR technology allows bands, artists and musicians to stage performances in spectacular and breathtaking environments in which the audience is an active participant. It gives you a front row seat to your favorite artist’s concert. The participant can experience a live show in a music video form. The world will change based on the music being played and the environment the artist has created.


This VR technology combines all the previous technologies into one. It allows you to experience all your favorite music in the VR world. It lets you experience all the 360 music videos that have been released. It gives you access to music streaming sites like Spotify and SoundCloud. It gives artists and music producers the ability to create their own channels, where they can manage and distribute their content. It also includes artist interviews and live concerts. As of now this will be released as an Android application.

How Musicians can profit?
“The future will be about entering the musician's world, rather than simply engaging with an individual song
  • Partner with ticket sales companies like StubHub 
  • Partner with music festivals like Lollapalooza and Coachella 
  • Interactive advertising, membership subscriptions and pay-per-view 
  • VRTIFY plans on giving 70% back to artists


  1. These technologies are being used in very creative ways. I especially liked VRTIFY which looks like it can be a very cool concept especially for watching live music shows and interviews. Starting artist will be able to interact with their fans in new and innovative ways that will surprise us. It is starting to look like VR will begin to shift the way we view our content and how we market our products online.

    1. Alejandro, I think the feature you mentioned will be a huge attraction for viewers of all ages. The ability for the artist to connect with the viewer adds value for all parties (the technology, the artist). With the right exposure, the artist interaction could be a trend that creates a huge increase in the music industry.

  2. I agree Alejandro. VRTIFY is definitely the future. It seems like it could be a one stop all you need application for all your music VR needs.

  3. This is really cool, especially VRTIFY, one question I had was if VR is the future of concerts, do you think this is something that will be fully adopted? As in what happens when everyone wants to experience a concert in VR rather than going to a venue, do you think this will deter bands or artists from touring, if its basically no longer necessary? Or will the opposite happen? People may feel as if half the enjoyment of a concert or festival is the actual experience.
    Just a thought, it'll be very fascinating to see how this tech is adopted by the music and entertainment industry in the future!

    1. Caroline, i think you have identified the greatest threat in adopting this technology. I think the market could react in two ways:

      1: The typical concert goer ends up investing in virtual reality performances to enjoy the performance, without the experience of being at the festival/concert.

      2: The technology takes the current trend of millinials going to music events, and adds a supplemental population that would not typically invest in the event.

      COnsidering the two options, i think the value of attending preformances live will continue to increase in value with promotional amenities that value those that attend. A great example is how the Chicago Whitesox had to revamp their stadium experience. They added a variety of promotions and amenities to encourage fans to buy tickets, rather than just watch the game on TV. I think a similar effect will take over music event once VR takes off.
