Monday, April 3, 2017

The Hyperloop: The Future of Transportation

The Hyperloop is a new mode of transportation that is still in the works. There have been tests underway, but it is still premature. Elon Musk was the first to propose the idea of a capsule within a tube that could go over 700 mph. It is crazy to think about and when comparing it to current modes of transportation it is almost just as fast as a plane. The hope is in the future it will take 35 minutes to get from Los Angeles to San Francisco and at a fraction of the cost of a plane ticket.

Elon Musk has created a team to work on Hyperloop. They have opened up the design process to any interested engineers, designers and architects. There have been competitions to find the best designs and ideas for the Hyperloop. The Hyperloop will also be a form of transportation that is sustainable. There won't be any fuel used or needed.

The Hyperloop relies on air pressure to propel the capsules within the tube. An electric powered fan will sit at the front of the capsule and it will move high pressure from the front of the capsule to the rear. It is almost like a syringe and will propel the capsule forward. The batteries for the fan are linear and will fit well on the capsule. The batteries will be solar powered, coming from the solar panels outside of the tubes.

Musk estimates that the trip from LA to SF will take 35 minutes and will cost a traveler $20 for a one-way ticket. California recently decided to invest in a bullet train which costs billions more than the Hyperloop and is not a sustainable solution for fast and convenient transportation. There is still way more research to go, but in a few years the Hyperloop may become the new mode of transportation.


  1. This is an extremely interesting improvement to the way that transportation can evolve to. However, I am wondering what type of effect this improvement will have to the transportation industry in terms of airlines or bus transportation, from LA to San Francisco, for example? I'm also wondering how you think that this will affect the jobs of people within those industries?

    1. your comment is really insightful. It was interesting to consider what would happen to these workers. The interesting thing to consider is the fact that although there is business being taken away from the airlines, it would drive business to this alternative transportation. I think in turn, this would also drive those employees to this new transportation industry as well. Just a thought, and obviously too early to tell!

  2. I love this push to inject new technology into the public transportation industry; it feels like we have been using the same old stuff forever. I remember when they were first thinking of building one between Tucson and Phoenix, until Casa Grande got all upset that they wouldn't have a stop. Either way, thanks for sharing!

  3. The hyperloop has the potential to be revolutionary, I think! There are so many people I know who spend hours each week on flights from one city to another because their work is travel-intensive. This technology not only saves time, but is much better for the environment, and I think that's why the public can definitely get behind it in the future! It will be interesting, though, to see how it affects local economies, as it does decrease the manpower required to run public transportation.
