Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Autonomous Vehicles

Nolan Arnold
Thomas Daniel


What are Autonomous Vehicles?

An autonomous vehicle - is a self driving vehicle that is capable of sensing its environment and navigating without human input.

Autonomous cars can detect surroundings using a variety of techniques such as radar, Lidar, GPS, Odometry, and computer vision. Advanced control systems interpret sensory information to identify appropriate navigation paths, as well as obstacles and relevant signage. Autonomous cars have control systems that are capable of analyzing sensory data to distinguish between different cars on the road. [These links are all Wikipedia sites with definitions of these terms. SW].

This style of vehicles has already begun appearing on the market and will undoubtedly be the future of vehicle for decades to come.

What is Covered Here?

This cite will cover six topics revolving around autonomous vehicles. We suggest you begin your reading with the history of these vehicles before continuing on to the Research Efforts of Tech and Vehicle companies to then read the last two topics of Fuel Economy and the impact of this machinery on Global Warming.

Who is Involved ?

There are countless parties working towards the creation and implementation of driver-less vehicles in many sectors of industry. This impact will change the face of vehicle industry as well modern transportation itself. However, the effects do not end here. This impact will effect the carbon footprint of mankind itself for the better, or the worse.

We would like to thank our multiple sources that made our research possible and thank you for taking the time to read all our hard work.

Safe Travels.


  1. Great briefing! My main concern with autonomous vehicles is their integration with non-autonomous vehicles. It seems like the only way this system would work is if all cars on the road were autonomous so they could all communicate with each other.

    1. This is truly the federal regulators main concern with autonomous vehicles. Even if vehicle companies can garuentee the consistency of their product, the one variable they cannot assure is safe is human error.

      The ideal for driver-less vehicles is for all cars commercially being autonomous. This hive-mind-esque approach would make the roads completely safe. However, implementing this would be near to impossible to deploy uniformly across all cars. Meaning that the initial fleet of autonomous vehicles will need to account for these legacy vehicle owners on the road.

    2. Autonomous cars don't care who else is on the road. Did you see the video of the autonomous truck? Truck driver in the back reading a magazine. I guess if you drove by a truck with no driver that might mess with your mind, but perfectly safe.

  2. Its a very interesting topic! Have you come across on how the streets would look in the near future with autonomous driving? If the cars can drive themselves, wouldn't we have to change traffic lights, the way our roads maybe look and even have the cars communicate like Steven mentioned?

  3. My dad just bought stock from Mobile eye, apparently an up and coming company that is used for autonomous vehicles! Their stock prices keep rising and I think for good reason! Just FYI


  4. I believe autonomous vehicles will be in a much better place when more and more vehicles become autonomous. I image eventually all vehicles have some autonomous part and all those vehicles are connected to a management system(skynet??).

  5. I think it will take a while to see the benefits and the efficiency of the autonomous vehicles. People are always going to cautious and a bit hesitant to welcome the new autonomous cars. I would imagine there are going to be a lot of requirements and standards that would have to be met to guarantee such safety.
