Thursday, April 20, 2017

Video Streaming, Practical Uses in our Lifetime - A Symposium

Video Streaming 


Video streaming will have a major impact on our daily life. The impact on us will be much greater than those currently in the workforce. While we are all headed to different places next year, we will all heavily rely on video streaming. This post is meant to start a discussion on video streaming and how we will make use of it in our lifetime. Feel free to post comments on other ways to use video streaming to improve our day-to-day, resistance, and potential pitfalls.


•Google Hangout
•Company Specific Platforms


•Online classes
•Group projects


•Weekly Meetings


•Law enforcement
•Consider studying abroad, considering enrolling kids in boarding school
•Disabled child

Potential Pitfalls

•Analytic screens
•Allows for more interaction
•Takes pressure off of in-person contact
•Saves money
•Network systems and infrastructure
•Less employment
•Future educator

Learn More


  1. Hi Amber,

    This is definitely an interesting topic and something that I think our generation tends to overlook since it is something that we're used to (in terms of apps like FaceTime or Skype). I know that there are various businesses and organizations that rely heavily on video streaming for telecommuting, like UITS, or healthcare, like Cyracom.

    For many tech companies who already implement these video streaming products, services and techniques, do you know of any instances where video streaming has merged with VR? Or do you have any ideas on what the future of video streaming could be?

  2. Hi Amber,
    I really liked your blog post. I find it so interesting how our generation has truly adopted this digital communication tool and find it fascinating to see it adopted in the professional settings as well. In the past, I've read numerous articles about how the future of employment will be more closely aligned to independent contractors, as well as the ability to work from home rather than commuting to the office. I feel as if a lot of this shift is due to the numerous and diverse ways to communicate. What do you think about this?

  3. I've tried video meeting several times. My feeling about it is two-sided. On one hand, it makes distance communication more effective and convenient. People from different location do not need to physically attend the meeting but they can still show their faces/slides/documents. One the other side, video meeting is not as direct as face-to-face meeting. I find it is harder to keep focused during a video meeting.
